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Tri-Center CSD

School Board


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Meeting Information

The guidelines below are for those attending Tri-Center Community School District Board of Education meetings.

The Tri-Center Board of Education hopes you find this meeting informative.  By attending, you will better understand how your school district operates.  There will be discussions about student learning, curriculum, facilities, finances and staffing, among other topics.  Your interest is appreciated.  The public schools belong to you and your involvement is encouraged.  Public participation and open lines of communication are vital to a strong school system.

Your School Board . . .

The Tri-Center School Board has a five-member board of directors.  The school board represents the people of the district as the legal body that establishes educational policies and sets goals and objectives for the district.  The superintendent and staff under the board’s direction carry out these policies and goals.  Terms are for four years and overlap to ensure continuity of board leadership.  School board members receive no pay for their public service. The school board is accountable to you, the community, and to the state and federal governments.

The Superintendent . . .

Superintendent of Schools is the chief executive officer of the board, but does not vote. It is (his/her) responsibility to advise board members on all matters, to execute policies and decisions made by the board, and to operate the district so that all students receive an excellent education.

Board Meetings . . .

Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the High School Media Center.  Board meetings regularly begin at 6:00 P.M.  Regular meetings are open to the public.  Copies of the agenda are available at the door and are available at least 24 hours in advance at the business office.   A quorum of board members (three of the five members) must be present for a regular meeting to take place.  All actions authorized or required by law are taken in open meetings.  State law allows the board to consider matters of personnel and building site acquisitions in closed session and then vote on them in open session.

Talk to us! Open Forum is for you . . .

Open Forum is a specific time set aside at the beginning of each meeting for public communication to the board.  At that time, interested people may present comments, suggestions or concerns, even if they are not on the agenda.  However, an item must be included on the agenda before the board can officially act upon it.  If you have comments about an item on the agenda, you will have the opportunity to share them when we reach that point in the meeting.  If you wish to comment during open forum or about an agenda item, please complete the attached sheet and give it to the (board president) prior to the meeting.  The president will call on you at the appropriate time.  Each community/staff member will be allowed 3-4 minutes to address the Board.  Extension of that time will require Board approval.  We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing a specific employee's performance at a public board meeting.  Personal or disparaging remarks about staff, students, or any other district personnel are expressly prohibited by Board policy and may also be in violation of Iowa Code.  Please be sure your comments remain focused on programs and policies, not people, or you will be asked to stop immediately.

If you have a question or concern about the schools . . .

Citizens are encouraged to communicate with educators and school board members.  If you have a concern, the best place to begin is with those directly involved and responsible, usually with the specific school: the teacher and/or principal.  It is there that most problems can be quickly and productively resolved.  If questions remain, please contact the superintendent.  If you are convinced that further action is required, the board is available to hear your concerns.

When you address the board at open forum . . .

Please remember to state your name, address, and the organization you represent.  Please limit your comments to three minutes. If you have printed information to share with the board, please provide copies to the school board secretary.

If you want to be on the agenda . . .

The school board meeting agenda is set by the board president and superintendent.  Individuals who wish to request an item be placed on the agenda should do so by writing the superintendent.  Requests should include name, address, phone number, organization represented, purpose of the presentation or pertinent background information.  To be included on a (Monday) night agenda, requests must reach the superintendent’s office by 8:00 A.M. on the previous Monday.  The inclusion of items (per board policy) is at the discretion of the superintendent and board president.


Board Goals

  1. Students and staff engaged in meaningful instruction so students are well-prepared for life.

  2. Thriving two-way partnership between the community and school district.

  3. Well-maintained, quality facilities together with a strong financial base so the district is positioned for continued success.

December 2017