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Tri-Center CSD



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Board Meeting April 13th

April 1st, 2020

COVID-19 has put a major brake on much of our functioning, but we need to figure out how to keep moving forward. We still need to conduct school business, even though we cannot all meet the way we are used to.

There will be a Board Meeting on Monday, April 13th at 6. You will see the agenda below. Dr. Huseman, Superintendent, Joe Turner, Board President and Jennifer Harder, School Business Manager, will be physically present, with other Board Members and Administrators will attend virtually. Any are welcome to attend, and we will figure out the best way to keep our number in one area below 10.

The biggest issue on the agenda is our Budget Hearing. We are proposing a 1 cent increase. Our current tax rate is $12.82275; our proposed tax rate is $12.83776. If you have questions you would like to make sure you ask before the meeting, please email Dr. Angela Huseman ahuseman@tctrojans.org