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Tri-Center CSD



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Post-Prom waivers

March 9th, 2020

TC Students and Parents,

Post-Prom will be held at the HUB in Council Bluffs this year. In order for TC students to be able to attend, each student and his/her parent(s) must sign an online waiver that can be accessed by going to https://thehubcb.com/sign-the-waiver/ or stopping by the HUB in CB. The address is 7 S 4th St, Council Bluffs. If you have previously been to the HUB, then your waiver is still valid. Any junior or senior planning on attending post-prom and any date MUST have this waiver signed in order to participate. Please do this as soon as possible.

Also, post-prom consent waivers will be located in the high school office for TC Students, their dates, and parents to sign. Please return these to the high school office by April 1st.