March 16th Update
March 16th, 2020
Update for Tri-Center Families:
Real Expected Timeline:
It’s safe to assume we will be following the Governor’s recommendation of 4 weeks of no school, and our first day back to school will be April 13th. We all know, though, that our world is constantly changing, so be prepared for that date to change. As in the past, we will provide families updates via our notification system.
Form via Email & Social Media:
We need to know approximately how many families need internet access and Grab and Go meals for their students. Western Iowa Wireless has volunteered to try to help with internet access and the school is offering Grab and Go meals to those in need (see next point below). We will be emailing out a form to all families who have supplied a valid email in our notification system and also posting it to our social media sites.
Grab and Go Meal Pick-up:
Tri-Center will offer Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunches free to all students, 18 and under. Depending on need and numbers, we may change our pick-up times and opt to deliver multiple days of meals at one time. If you live out of town and don’t have transportation to pick up food, contact your building principal so we can make the necessary arrangements to provide food to your students.
For this week, we will be distributing meals Monday-Friday at the following times and locations:
Persia: Fire Department 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Beebeetown: Twisted Tail Front Lot 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Minden: United Church of Christ--Fellowship Hall/Basement Doors 9:15-9:45 a.m.
Neola: St Patrick’s Hall 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Educational Materials:
The school buildings will be open until 7:00 p.m. tonight to pickup any learning materials your student forgot at school or wasn’t able to bring home. The buildings will also be open Tuesday and Wednesday from 9-2.
If teachers have additional items they would like to get to students which can’t be sent electronically, we will let you know how you can get those materials. We are currently working on a list of websites and resources for your child to access over this extended time away from school.
Online Links:
Teachers have communicated with students and sent different resources home that can be used during the next four weeks. Please refer to information sent home with students. Students in grades 5-12 should regularly check their email. The Resources area on the website has other links that may be needed.
Spring Sports :
The Iowa Girls and Boys Athletic Unions have cancelled all practices and competitions until April 13th.
If you have questions during the closure, please contact your building principals. They will be checking email and phone messages throughout the closing.