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Tri-Center CSD



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Parent / Teacher Conferences February 26th and 27th

Tri-Center Parent / Teacher Conferences will be held February 26th and 27th from 4-8 PM.

Middle School and High School:

Conferences are held in the High School Cafetorium by walk-in. Please email a teacher if you want to set a reserved meeting time.


Please schedule your conferences with your teacher in PowerSchool.

From the Public Portal of PowerSchool (on a computer or mobile device browser):

1. Select the elementary student in your PowerSchool dashboard.

2. Click Parent/Teacher Conferences in the left navigation column

3. Review any current reservations and teacher notes

4. Click the name of a conference

5. Select a teacher from the drop-down menu (lead teachers and co-teachers will be visible)

6. Enter an email address and select an “options” that display from the drop-down

7. Click Save

8. Repeat the steps above to select additional teachers and reserve other conference times

9. To delete the reservation, refresh the page and click the red minus button to the right of a reservation under “My Reservations.” The reservation list will list conference reservations from other family members as well.

Your parent PowerSchool account is the same one you have used to register your student in the past. If need assistance with your account, please email administrator@tctrojans.org.

There will be no school on Friday, February 28th.